Announcements – NEOS powered by URBIO Mon, 28 Nov 2022 09:05:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Announcements - NEOS 32 32 Urbioled în parteneriat cu Mobil Service a lansat NEOS, sistem de telegestiune și sistem Smart City Thu, 24 Nov 2022 19:03:21 +0000

Urbioled în parteneriat cu Mobil Service a lansat NEOS, un sistem de telegestiune și un sistem Smart City ce contribuie la transformarea orașelor și satelor în Smart City, respectiv Smart Village. Proiectul implică o cercetare realizată pe parcursul a trei ani de zile, timp în care s-au brevetat două concepte inovative: Kamsens și PredictNet. Proiectul NEOS este realizat cu finanțare europeană în cadrul proiectului Creșterea contribuției sectorului TIC pentru competitivitatea economică prin dezvoltarea de produse TIC inovative cu aplicabilitate în restul economiei românești”, cofinanţat prin Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regională, Cod SMIS 2014+:129007.

NEOS contribuie la implementarea soluțiilor digitale de telegestiune printr-un complex unic de software și hardware. Mai mult, NEOS propune un serviciu unic în România, de asistență proactivă, în care beneficiarii sunt notificați asupra unei probleme apărute chiar înainte ca aceștia sa o constate. Și pentru că deciziile sunt luate în timp real într-o comunitate inteligentă, NEOS oferă alte două soluții inovatoare, brevetate de către departamentul TEQ al URBIOLED: Kamses și PredictNet.

Multisenzorul KAMSENS face ca NEOS să detecteze orice condiție meteo nefavorabilă sau chiar extremă și să avertizeze utilizatorul, ba chiar să ia decizii, în sensul schimbării culorii luminilor sistemului de iluminat public stradal, din alb natural, eficient energetic, în alb galben, capabil să străbată fuioarele de ceață. Totodată, protocolul de comunicare brevetat de TEQ, denumit PREDICTNET duce comenzile și returneaza parametrii de funcționare cu o viteză amețitoare, ajutând beneficiarul să perceapă și să decidă, în timp real, măsurile ce se impun.

NEOS este scalabil și adaptabil oricărei comunități, indiferent de mărime și de poziționare geografică, fiind capabil să funcționeze autonom și independent de orice conexiune la rețelele de comunicații. Tipul de comunicație, brevetată de către Urbio, nu generează costuri pentru transmisia de date și este independentă de infrastructura altor furnizori de servicii de telecomunicații. NEOS este disponibil pentru orice sistem de operare, de pe orice terminal mobil sau staționar.

Marea majoritate a proiectelor Smart City eșuează din cauza lipsei de maturitate, a deschiderii spre integrare și, de cele mai multe ori, din simplul motiv că sunt prea complicate. NEOS propune o soluție intuitivă, plug and play, cu autoinstalare, ușor de înțeles și de utilizat pentru beneficiari. Misiunea este de a crește calitatea vieții comunităților la nivel mondial și de a contribui la efortul omenirii de a reduce emisiile de gaze cu efect de seră pentru a crea un viitor mai bun, sustenabil generațiilor ce vor urma.

Proiect co-finanțat din Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regională prin Programul Operațional Competitivitate 2014-2020 ”Competitivi împreună”

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“Conținutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod obligatoriu poziția oficială a Uniunii Europene sau a Guvernului României”

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Project completion notice Wed, 23 Nov 2022 12:59:48 +0000

Press release on completion of the project entitled

„Increasing the contribution of the ICT sector for economic competitiveness through the development of innovative ICT products with applicability in the rest of the Romanian economy”

Date: 05 december 2022

URBIOLED SRL, located in Iasi, Teodor Codrescu Street, No. 6, Staircase A, Floor 1, Apartment 7, Iasi County, announces the completion of the project “Increasing the contribution of the ICT sector to economic competitiveness through the development of innovative ICT products with applicability in the rest of the Romanian economy”, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, under grant contract no. 3/221_ap2/11.12.2019 SMIS Code 2014+ : 129007, Online Code: 40.

The project was funded through the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014 – 2020, Priority Axis 2 – Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for a competitive digital economy, Investment Priority 2b – Development of ICT products and services, e-business and ICT demand, Specific objective 2.2 – Increasing the contribution of the ICT sector to economic competitiveness, Action 2.2.1 – Supporting ICT value added and innovation through cluster development, Call for proposals No 2.

Managing Authority: Ministry of Investment and European Projects (MIPE).

Intermediary Body: Authority for the Digitisation of Romania.

The overall objective;/strong: of the project was to increase the economic competitiveness and sustainable development of the applicant, based on innovation in the Technology, Information and Communication sector, in conditions of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

Specific objectives of the project

  1. SO1 Making an initial investment in starting up a new establishment.
  2. SO2 Development of innovative ICT products with applicability in the rest of the Romanian economy for vertical integration of ICT solutions
  3. SO3 Develop a partnership to ensure rapid access to R&D results for innovative ICT products.

The main achieved results:

  • 1 Building purchased
  • 1 Data center set up
  • IT hardware equipment and other related devices purchased
  • Software applications/licenses required to implement the project purchased
  • 1 prototype remote management system for public lighting
  • 1 Smart City system prototype
  • 2 patent applications and 2 trademarks
  • 10 certifications
  • Promotion of project results on a large scale

The total value of the project is 26,807,246.57 lei, of which the grant is 17,069,406.64 lei. The European Union co-financing is 14.508.995,64 lei.

The project was implemented in partnership with the company MOBIL SERVICE SRL, for a duration of 36 months, and the implementation location is in Iasi, Gavriil Musicescu Street (formerly Banu Street) no. 6, building 6, ground floor and mezzanine, Iasi County.

Project start date: 11.12.2019

Project completion date: 10.12.2022

Project co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020.

Contact info:

Contact name: CIOTIR ANA-MARIA, Function :Administrator URBIOLED SRL, Address: Iasi Municipality, Teodor Codrescu Street, No. 6, Entrance A, floor 1, Apartment 7, Iasi County, phone 0740888814/0232214014, fax 0232214014, e-mail:


Project co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the
Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020
 “Competitive together”

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POC 2.2.1 – Press release Wed, 23 Nov 2022 12:54:03 +0000

Press release at the start of the project entitled

„Increasing the contribution of the ICT sector for economic competitiveness through the development of innovative ICT products with applicability in the rest of the Romanian economy”

Date: 09 january 2020

URBIOLED SRL, located in Iasi Municipality, 178 – 180 Șoseaua Națională Street, ground floor, Iasi County, is implementing, starting from 11.12.2019, the project “Increasing the contribution of the ICT sector for economic competitiveness through the development of innovative ICT products with applicability in the rest of the Romanian economy”, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, under grant contract no. 3/221_ap2/11.12.2019 SMIS Code 2014+ : 129007, Online Code: 40.

The project is funded by the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014 – 2020, Priority Axis 2 – Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for a competitive digital economy, Investment Priority 2b – Development of ICT products and services, e-business and ICT demand, Specific objective 2.2 – Increasing the contribution of the ICT sector for economic competitiveness, Action 2.2.1 – Supporting ICT value added and innovation through cluster development, Call for proposals No 2.

Managing Authority: Ministry of European Funds (MFE).

Intermediate Body: Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure and Communications.

The total value of the project is 26,807,246.57 lei, of which the grant is 17,069,406.64 lei. The European Union co-financing is 14.508.995,64 lei.

The project is carried out in partnership with the company MOBIL SERVICE SRL, for a period of 36 months, and the implementation location is in Iasi, Gavril Musicescu Street (former Banu Street) no. 6, building 6, ground floor and mezzanine, Iasi County.

The overall objective of the project is to increase the economic competitiveness and sustainable development of the applicant, based on innovation in the ICT sector, in conditions of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

The main expected results of the project are:

  • 1 Building acquired
  • 1 Data center set up
  • Purchased IT hardware and other related devices
  • Software applications/licenses needed to implement the project
  • 1 prototype remote management system for public lighting
  • 1 Smart City system prototype
  • 2 patent applications
  • 8 certifications

Project start date: 11.12.2019

Project completion date: 11.12.2022

Project co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020

Contact info:
Contact name: CIOTIR ANA-MARIA, Function :Administrator URBIOLED SRL, Address: Iasi Municipality, Șoseaua Națională Street no. 178 – 180, ground floor, Iași County, phone 0740888814/0232214014, fax 0232214014, e-mail:

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