Case studies – NEOS powered by URBIO Fri, 25 Nov 2022 10:37:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Case studies - NEOS 32 32 Case study: Smart City Lisbon Fri, 21 Oct 2022 14:51:01 +0000 Portugal’s capital is not only one of Europe’s top travel destinations, but has also become one of Europe’s smartest cities.

A strategic plan, was established by the metropolis on the Tagus to implement an innovative ecosystem on a large scale. With 307 million euros available for specific projects, its purpose is threefold:

  • More people: Lisbon plans to grow its population by promoting housing and smart city initiatives related to everyday life.
  • More jobs: The city plans to boost the local economy through human capital development, innovation and the knowledge economy, as well as exploring the potential sustainable use of resources;
  • A better city, centered on its citizens, by improving the quality of city life, energy efficiency and mobility, but also social cohesion and inclusion through civic participation programs, the rehabilitation of buildings and degraded areas, as well as the optimization and interconnection of urban services and systems.

These goals should allow the city to halve the flow of vehicles entering each day. Indeed, environment and climate are core components of the Lisbon strategy. In 2015, Lisbon was the first capital to join the Pact of Mayors for Climate and Energy, taking an integrated approach to reducing emissions and adapting to climate change.

To achieve prompt results, Lisbon joined the European Sharing Cities network and its center became a “laboratory” for testing new approaches and technologies.

With an area of 10 square kilometers and 100,000 inhabitants, this area includes the main historical and touristic streets of the city. Therefore, Lisbon has chosen to implement innovative solutions and projects in its center, in three main areas:

  • Mobility: creating a low-emission zone, attention to air quality, adoption of electric vehicles and increased public transport;
  • Management through data and the Internet of Things: installation of a network of sensors and a platform for monitoring the collected data;
  • Rehabilitation of buildings: incentives for renovation, improving the energy efficiency of buildings.

In practice, 540 charging points for electric vehicles and 64,000 smart street lamps have been installed in the “laboratory” area. The city authorities have opened 63 datasets in open data. A sustainable energy management system was created to integrate and optimize energy flows, especially by balancing supply and demand. Lisbon also encourages the transition to renewable energies, including solar energy.

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Case study: Seoul Fri, 21 Oct 2022 14:50:29 +0000 The capital of South Korea is currently developing a sustainable social, financial and environmental system. According to the international IESE Cities in Motion Index list, Seoul was the seventh smartest city in the world in 2017.

Led by the Seoul Digital Foundation, the GDS strategy is applied in four areas of activity: the social city, the digital economy, social innovation through digital, and global digital leadership.

Social City

According to Seoul’s policy makers, a social city is a digital city that not only serves its residents, but also relies on cooperation and engagement, as well as educational programs.

Teaching, for example, emphasizes Design Thinking, the key components of which are creativity and a problem-solving approach. This approach takes place in five phases: defining the problem, researching, proposing solutions, manufacturing and testing prototypes, and finally implementing the solution.

Thanks to this method, young people can contribute to the quality of life in their city and therefore improve the quality of life for everyone.

The digital economy

The development of the digital economy also continues thanks to business incubators, convergence and the establishment of a digital platform.

To do this, Seoul can count on, among others, the Gaepo Digital Innovation Park (GDIP), which includes different poles:

  • New Beginnings, a research center specializing in big data, urban problem solving and big data research.
  • The Challenge, innovation center for start-ups in the IT sector, especially big data.
  • Gathering Space, space dedicated to congresses and hackathons.
  • Lot, event and co-op space dedicated to knowledge sharing.

Digital social innovation

Creating added value for citizens through digital technologies and data is one of the pillars of smart cities around the world. Seoul’s digital strategy builds on this pillar to develop new services.

From this process of digital social innovation was born the creation of night bus lines. Previously, in Seoul, public transportation did not run between 1 am and 5 am, and people had to use taxis. Therefore, the government decided to intervene. Initially, more than 3 billion calls to taxi companies were collected. This data was then used to determine travelers’ preferred places, destinations and times, based on which Seoul created an efficient network of nine night buses.

Global digital leadership

South Korea is one of the first countries in the world that decided to implement a real smart city policy on its territory. Starting from scratch, the government focused on smart technologies. In 2009, South Korea ranked the smart city industry, based on technologies, data and the Internet of Things, as one of seventeen industrial growth engines.

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Case study: Dublin Fri, 21 Oct 2022 14:49:50 +0000 With Smart Dublin, the Irish capital aims to become the world leader in the development of innovative urban solutions, through the use of open data, with the city acting as a test bed.

Smart Dublin is the result of a shared will by Dublin’s four local authorities to engage smart technology providers, researchers and citizens to address challenges and improve the quality of life in the capital. This program capitalizes on the opportunities offered by emerging technologies and public data.

The objectives of the project are:

  • Providing improved services
  • Encouraging innovative solutions
  • Stimulation of economic activity
  • Encouraging collaboration and engagement

Priority challenges:

  • Mobility
  • Environment
  • Energy
  • Waste management
  • Emergency management

Dublin is currently implementing a Smart District approach, with a first application in the Docklands as part of the URBACT: SMART IMPACT project. This new development in Docklands offers the opportunity to bring together public and private interests under the banner of the Smart City project, enabling Dublin to exert significant influence locally while strengthening its position on the international stage.

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Case study: Singapore Fri, 21 Oct 2022 14:49:17 +0000 In 2006, the second most densely populated city in the world adopted a smart city vision, in this case extended to an entire nation under the name Intelligent Nation 2015 (iN2015).

The iN2015 program aimed to develop Singapore’s economic competitiveness by transforming the city into a smart community. Among the program’s ambitions, the goal of becoming a world leader in ICT development for the benefit of the economy and society stood out.

Planned for a period of 10 years, iN2015 made it possible to connect 95% of Singapore’s households and businesses to fiber optics. 140,000 people out of a total population of 5 million are employed in the ICT sector and Singaporeans benefit from state-of-the-art services including health and education.

In 2013, Singapore presented a new strategy to extend the iN2015 programme. Specifically, Singapore wants to equip itself with a global sensor network that will allow city managers to know real-time situations on the ground by collecting, sharing and analyzing data.

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Case Study: Tel Aviv Smart City – Transport and Parking Fri, 21 Oct 2022 14:48:21 +0000 Tel-O-Fun bike rental service

Tel-O-Fun, a municipal bike sharing system allows cyclists to ride from place to place quickly and whenever they want. With stations located throughout the city, including residential areas, riders can grab a bike and ride anywhere. The service is available to both Tel Aviv-Yafo residents and visitors and tourists.

Auto-Tel Car Share

Auto-Tel, a car-sharing service for short city trips. It is cost effective, widely accessible, easy to use and environmentally friendly. In addition, designated parking spaces scattered throughout the city save time and make parking a minor problem.

Auto-Tel is just one of the municipality’s many efforts to promote innovative and alternative transport solutions in a city that encourages residents and visitors to choose public transport over their own cars, to reduce congestion and air pollution and make life more accessible to everyone.

Auto-Tel subscribers can pick up a vehicle at a given time from one city and return it to another. Auto-Tel cars can be parked in a designated Auto-Tel parking space or in any other legal parking space. The cost of the service consists of a monthly subscription fee plus a charge per minute of travel, and subscribers do not have to worry about paying for maintenance, fuel or insurance.

Transport monitor pilot

The municipality has partnered with MOBI to install sensors, cameras and Bluetooth devices throughout the city to monitor the number of vehicles entering, understand how much time is lost in traffic and provide decision makers with an up-to-date snapshot of transport.

Partnership with Waze

As part of this partnership, the municipality receives traffic reports and in turn updates Waze about street closures in the city so that Waze users have access to the most up-to-date information and can organize accordingly. The municipality uses information received from Waze to optimize traffic lights and obtain real-time snapshots of traffic in the city, all with the aim of promoting cooperation and better understanding of transportation.

Night lines – A solution for the wee hours

Night lines are public transport lines that run from residential areas to entertainment centers and back late at night, making them safe for young people and reducing the risk of drink driving.

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Case Study: Tel Aviv Smart City – Security and Emergencies Fri, 21 Oct 2022 14:47:40 +0000 Municipal Security Control Center

With approximately 600 security cameras located throughout the city that broadcast live, the Municipal Security Control Center is able to monitor unusual activities such as theft and damage at all times. The control center also receives information about residents reporting to the municipal call center and mobile app, and together with the cameras, the municipality is able to respond to calls efficiently and quickly dispatch the right personnel.

Municipal Security Patrol

Sela, the municipal security patrol force tasked with making sure the city is safe for its residents, business owners and visitors. The patrol operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in partnership with the Israeli police, municipal inspectors and the camera-based control center. The patrol works together with the municipal call center and mobile application.

Security cameras and panic buttons

More than 1,000 education institutions in the city now have a ‘panic button’ and an app they can use to send key information when a nursery or school is in trouble. Tel Aviv-Yafo is the first city in Israel to use both emergency and routine command and control technologies, another step in integrating increasingly advanced technology into urban life and making the city smarter .

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Case study: Tel Aviv Smart City – Online Services Fri, 21 Oct 2022 14:47:07 +0000 Through the municipality’s reservation system, residents can find all the information they need online and make an appointment in advance, without having to stand in line. For individuals, services include paying municipal taxes and water bills, obtaining a city parking permit, registering with DigiTel, receiving information about kindergartens and more.

Online forms and services

The Municipality of Tel Aviv-Yafo is constantly expanding its online offerings to make more and more services available to its residents. Residents can now: apply for a parking permit, make an appeal, contact the municipality’s service telephone line, register with DigiTel, contact the town hall, pay municipal taxes, contact the security patrol, review registration records of the land, to contact social assistance centers and community centers, etc.

Online maps

Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality’s GIS mapping system provides visitors and residents with access to a wide range of maps that provide useful information about the city and interesting overviews. GIS users will find maps with: real-time traffic reports, availability of bicycles at various Tel-O-Fun stations in the city, road works plans, radiation and noise pollution, social services and educational institutions, clinics and pharmacies, synagogues , banks, post offices, hotels, cultural institutions, city events, unique street names, races, shelters, historic buildings and more.

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Case Study: Tel Aviv Smart City – Health and Wellbeing Fri, 21 Oct 2022 14:46:17 +0000 “Emergency Buddy” is a program designed to help people immobilized at home, to provide them with medical services, as well as to prevent loneliness. Program volunteers receive free first aid training and certification. He then visits the elderly and homebound once a week to check on their condition and keep them company.

Programs for young people at risk

Tel Aviv-Yafo offers a variety of special programs for children and youth at risk or who have suffered mental, emotional or social trauma, as well as for their parents and other members of their families. Programs include: clubs; “warm houses” and treatment centers; treatment of victims of sexual assault; empowering and supporting immigrant girls; a transitional apartment for young people between the ages of 18 and 25; vocational education for school dropouts; a line of treatment; a 24-hour sexual assault hotline and support and a support and services center for LGBT youth, including a treatment center, shelter, transit apartment, psychological and social support and more.

Volunteering and Social Leadership

The Volunteer Unit matches individuals with unique volunteer opportunities based on their interests, training and skills to improve the quality of life for the city’s needy populations and make Tel Aviv-Yafo a better place for all.

Volunteers can work with youth, single-parent families, immigrants, children and adults with disabilities, people with mental health conditions, veterans and the elderly, Holocaust survivors, and more.

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Case Study: Tel Aviv Smart City – Planning and Construction Fri, 21 Oct 2022 14:45:34 +0000 Tel Aviv-Yafo residents and contractors no longer need to go to the city hall to submit building permit applications. With the municipality’s online system, applications are managed and processed automatically and efficiently.

This system is just one step in the city’s transition to online licensing. As part of these efforts, the municipality created a digital archive that is updated daily with sketches and plans, a location-based database and digital form submission services, and made it possible to receive online status updates and permits delivered by courier.

This online system has been integrated with other municipal computing systems and infrastructure to improve city services, streamline building procedures and timelines, and ensure uniformity, transparency and professionalism.

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Studiu de caz: Tel Aviv Smart City-Comunitate și sport Fri, 21 Oct 2022 14:44:49 +0000 Clubul Rezidenților DigiTel este o platformă personalizată de comunicare web și mobilă care oferă rezidenților informații și servicii personalizate, specifice locației. Platforma facilitează un canal de comunicare direct și deschis între oraș și locuitorii săi, de la alertarea locuitorilor cu privire la lucrările rutiere din cartier și direcționarea acestora către cea mai apropiată stație de partajare a bicicletelor, până la trimiterea de memento-uri direcționate pentru înscrierea la școală sau evenimente și oferirea de reduceri la numeroasele manifestări culturale.

MiniDigi este un model inovator de guvernare care vizează îmbunătățirea calității vieții pentru părinți și bebeluși. Utilizează o platformă digitală pentru a construi o comunitate, pentru a oferi servicii relevante și informații adaptate nevoilor lor și pentru a integra bebelușii în viața de zi cu zi. Acest card de rezident oferă acces unic, gratuit, la un ghișeu unic de servicii și beneficii pentru familiile tinere.

Tel Aviv are una dintre cele mai mari proporții dintre câini și oameni din lume (1:17), cu aproximativ 25.000 de locuințe din întreg orașul. Pentru a satisface locuitorii săi cu patru picioare, municipalitatea a creat DigiDog, un card de rezident unic pentru câini care este gratuit pentru locuitorii orașului, le permite să primească informații despre câinii lor: informații cu privire la datele viitoare de vaccinare, informații despre parcuri, etc.

Primăria pe roți este un camion de service care aduce servicii municipale direct locuitorilor. Unor locuitori ai orașului le este greu să folosească internetul sau să vină fizic la primărie pentru a procesa plăți, a primi servicii sau a pune întrebări, fie din cauza unei dizabilități fizice, a vârstei, a locației, a lipsei de acces la transport și nu numai. Această inițiativă simplă necesită puține resurse, dar are un impact uriaș asupra vieții rezidenților și reduce inegalitatea, asigurându-se că toți rezidenții, indiferent de vârstă sau abilități, primesc serviciile de care au nevoie.

Prin intermediul  „Avem spațiu – Acces la spații pentru evenimente”, rezidenții pot găsi și închiria zeci de săli de clasă, săli, loturi și alte spații într-o varietate de locații urbane pentru orice activitate pe care doresc să o desfășoare, fie că este vorba de o petrecere, o întâlnire comunitară, o reuniune de clasă, o petrecere în grădină, o adunare a unei asociații comunitare, activități sportive și culturale, repetiții, o expoziție, un grup de studiu și sprijin, o prelegere, o conferință și multe altele.

Locuitorii nici măcar nu trebuie să meargă la primărie pentru a rezerva un spațiu – totul este online, de la alegerea spațiului și rezervarea acestuia până la alegerea accesoriilor și oferit rezidenților la preț redus.

Municipalitatea operează trei aplicații mobile urbane care pot fi descărcate gratuit și accesate de pe orice smartphone:

  • aplicație de informații și servicii municipale care le permite locuitorilor să urmărească tot ce se întâmplă în oraș: cultură, artă și petrecere a timpului liber, parcări deschise, piste pentru biciclete, restaurante și cafenele, filme, grădini și parcuri.
  • aplicație care adună rapoarte despre pericole și permite rezidenților să localizeze vehiculele care au fost tractate și să verifice starea acestora.
  • Aplicația DigiTel, care permite rezidenților să închirieze accesorii de plajă la prețuri reduse.
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