NEOS powered by URBIO Mon, 28 Nov 2022 09:05:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 NEOS 32 32 Urbioled în parteneriat cu Mobil Service a lansat NEOS, sistem de telegestiune și sistem Smart City Thu, 24 Nov 2022 19:03:21 +0000

Urbioled în parteneriat cu Mobil Service a lansat NEOS, un sistem de telegestiune și un sistem Smart City ce contribuie la transformarea orașelor și satelor în Smart City, respectiv Smart Village. Proiectul implică o cercetare realizată pe parcursul a trei ani de zile, timp în care s-au brevetat două concepte inovative: Kamsens și PredictNet. Proiectul NEOS este realizat cu finanțare europeană în cadrul proiectului Creșterea contribuției sectorului TIC pentru competitivitatea economică prin dezvoltarea de produse TIC inovative cu aplicabilitate în restul economiei românești”, cofinanţat prin Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regională, Cod SMIS 2014+:129007.

NEOS contribuie la implementarea soluțiilor digitale de telegestiune printr-un complex unic de software și hardware. Mai mult, NEOS propune un serviciu unic în România, de asistență proactivă, în care beneficiarii sunt notificați asupra unei probleme apărute chiar înainte ca aceștia sa o constate. Și pentru că deciziile sunt luate în timp real într-o comunitate inteligentă, NEOS oferă alte două soluții inovatoare, brevetate de către departamentul TEQ al URBIOLED: Kamses și PredictNet.

Multisenzorul KAMSENS face ca NEOS să detecteze orice condiție meteo nefavorabilă sau chiar extremă și să avertizeze utilizatorul, ba chiar să ia decizii, în sensul schimbării culorii luminilor sistemului de iluminat public stradal, din alb natural, eficient energetic, în alb galben, capabil să străbată fuioarele de ceață. Totodată, protocolul de comunicare brevetat de TEQ, denumit PREDICTNET duce comenzile și returneaza parametrii de funcționare cu o viteză amețitoare, ajutând beneficiarul să perceapă și să decidă, în timp real, măsurile ce se impun.

NEOS este scalabil și adaptabil oricărei comunități, indiferent de mărime și de poziționare geografică, fiind capabil să funcționeze autonom și independent de orice conexiune la rețelele de comunicații. Tipul de comunicație, brevetată de către Urbio, nu generează costuri pentru transmisia de date și este independentă de infrastructura altor furnizori de servicii de telecomunicații. NEOS este disponibil pentru orice sistem de operare, de pe orice terminal mobil sau staționar.

Marea majoritate a proiectelor Smart City eșuează din cauza lipsei de maturitate, a deschiderii spre integrare și, de cele mai multe ori, din simplul motiv că sunt prea complicate. NEOS propune o soluție intuitivă, plug and play, cu autoinstalare, ușor de înțeles și de utilizat pentru beneficiari. Misiunea este de a crește calitatea vieții comunităților la nivel mondial și de a contribui la efortul omenirii de a reduce emisiile de gaze cu efect de seră pentru a crea un viitor mai bun, sustenabil generațiilor ce vor urma.

Proiect co-finanțat din Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regională prin Programul Operațional Competitivitate 2014-2020 ”Competitivi împreună”

Pentru informații detaliate despre celelalte programe cofinanțate de Uniunea Europeană, vă invităm să vizitați

“Conținutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod obligatoriu poziția oficială a Uniunii Europene sau a Guvernului României”

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Project completion notice Wed, 23 Nov 2022 12:59:48 +0000

Press release on completion of the project entitled

„Increasing the contribution of the ICT sector for economic competitiveness through the development of innovative ICT products with applicability in the rest of the Romanian economy”

Date: 05 december 2022

URBIOLED SRL, located in Iasi, Teodor Codrescu Street, No. 6, Staircase A, Floor 1, Apartment 7, Iasi County, announces the completion of the project “Increasing the contribution of the ICT sector to economic competitiveness through the development of innovative ICT products with applicability in the rest of the Romanian economy”, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, under grant contract no. 3/221_ap2/11.12.2019 SMIS Code 2014+ : 129007, Online Code: 40.

The project was funded through the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014 – 2020, Priority Axis 2 – Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for a competitive digital economy, Investment Priority 2b – Development of ICT products and services, e-business and ICT demand, Specific objective 2.2 – Increasing the contribution of the ICT sector to economic competitiveness, Action 2.2.1 – Supporting ICT value added and innovation through cluster development, Call for proposals No 2.

Managing Authority: Ministry of Investment and European Projects (MIPE).

Intermediary Body: Authority for the Digitisation of Romania.

The overall objective;/strong: of the project was to increase the economic competitiveness and sustainable development of the applicant, based on innovation in the Technology, Information and Communication sector, in conditions of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

Specific objectives of the project

  1. SO1 Making an initial investment in starting up a new establishment.
  2. SO2 Development of innovative ICT products with applicability in the rest of the Romanian economy for vertical integration of ICT solutions
  3. SO3 Develop a partnership to ensure rapid access to R&D results for innovative ICT products.

The main achieved results:

  • 1 Building purchased
  • 1 Data center set up
  • IT hardware equipment and other related devices purchased
  • Software applications/licenses required to implement the project purchased
  • 1 prototype remote management system for public lighting
  • 1 Smart City system prototype
  • 2 patent applications and 2 trademarks
  • 10 certifications
  • Promotion of project results on a large scale

The total value of the project is 26,807,246.57 lei, of which the grant is 17,069,406.64 lei. The European Union co-financing is 14.508.995,64 lei.

The project was implemented in partnership with the company MOBIL SERVICE SRL, for a duration of 36 months, and the implementation location is in Iasi, Gavriil Musicescu Street (formerly Banu Street) no. 6, building 6, ground floor and mezzanine, Iasi County.

Project start date: 11.12.2019

Project completion date: 10.12.2022

Project co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020.

Contact info:

Contact name: CIOTIR ANA-MARIA, Function :Administrator URBIOLED SRL, Address: Iasi Municipality, Teodor Codrescu Street, No. 6, Entrance A, floor 1, Apartment 7, Iasi County, phone 0740888814/0232214014, fax 0232214014, e-mail:


Project co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the
Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020
 “Competitive together”

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POC 2.2.1 – Press release Wed, 23 Nov 2022 12:54:03 +0000

Press release at the start of the project entitled

„Increasing the contribution of the ICT sector for economic competitiveness through the development of innovative ICT products with applicability in the rest of the Romanian economy”

Date: 09 january 2020

URBIOLED SRL, located in Iasi Municipality, 178 – 180 Șoseaua Națională Street, ground floor, Iasi County, is implementing, starting from 11.12.2019, the project “Increasing the contribution of the ICT sector for economic competitiveness through the development of innovative ICT products with applicability in the rest of the Romanian economy”, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, under grant contract no. 3/221_ap2/11.12.2019 SMIS Code 2014+ : 129007, Online Code: 40.

The project is funded by the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014 – 2020, Priority Axis 2 – Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for a competitive digital economy, Investment Priority 2b – Development of ICT products and services, e-business and ICT demand, Specific objective 2.2 – Increasing the contribution of the ICT sector for economic competitiveness, Action 2.2.1 – Supporting ICT value added and innovation through cluster development, Call for proposals No 2.

Managing Authority: Ministry of European Funds (MFE).

Intermediate Body: Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure and Communications.

The total value of the project is 26,807,246.57 lei, of which the grant is 17,069,406.64 lei. The European Union co-financing is 14.508.995,64 lei.

The project is carried out in partnership with the company MOBIL SERVICE SRL, for a period of 36 months, and the implementation location is in Iasi, Gavril Musicescu Street (former Banu Street) no. 6, building 6, ground floor and mezzanine, Iasi County.

The overall objective of the project is to increase the economic competitiveness and sustainable development of the applicant, based on innovation in the ICT sector, in conditions of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

The main expected results of the project are:

  • 1 Building acquired
  • 1 Data center set up
  • Purchased IT hardware and other related devices
  • Software applications/licenses needed to implement the project
  • 1 prototype remote management system for public lighting
  • 1 Smart City system prototype
  • 2 patent applications
  • 8 certifications

Project start date: 11.12.2019

Project completion date: 11.12.2022

Project co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020

Contact info:
Contact name: CIOTIR ANA-MARIA, Function :Administrator URBIOLED SRL, Address: Iasi Municipality, Șoseaua Națională Street no. 178 – 180, ground floor, Iași County, phone 0740888814/0232214014, fax 0232214014, e-mail:

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Smart city in global plan Tue, 25 Oct 2022 09:30:02 +0000 We are in an exciting time right now with new technological breakthroughs happening that are changing the way we live. Technology affects almost every part of our lives. Even the cities we live in are undergoing major changes to make our daily lives better, more efficient and greener. You may not have noticed these changes happening, but they are — and they’re happening in places all over the globe.

New York City’s technology innovation department is working with local government to make it as smart a city as possible. They believe this concept is one that will help improve the lives of every New Yorker.

With public and private sector projects, the city is currently undergoing a digital transformation to make government more responsive, save costs, increase efficiency and better analyze what’s happening in New York. They work with cutting-edge technology to take full advantage of the potential offered by IoT and connected devices.

Singapore has a reputation for being ahead of the curve when it comes to technology, so it’s no surprise that it’s one of the smartest cities on the globe. Its Smart Nation program was launched in 2014 and involved installing many sensors around the city. These sensors will collect a massive amount of information about what citizens do every day. They can measure everything from how clean a certain area is to how crowded an event is. The government receives real-time reports on what is happening in the city.

What makes Singapore’s smart city project stand out is that this data is hosted centrally with the government rather than an individual company.

London’s Department of Technology works to ensure London is a smart city. They have several ongoing projects to support innovation and technology at all levels. One way they do this is through the Tech.London partnership, which aims to help entrepreneurs and startups.

They also have a Smart London board that regularly provides updates and recommendations on how the city can be smarter than ever. To achieve its goals, London has a Smart City Plan that includes strategies for implementing technology in a city that is expected to grow to 10 million people over the next decade.

London is currently working on key issues such as healthcare, transport and energy management.

Barcelona has a lot of initiatives that are constantly on the lists of the best smart cities. A major project the city has been working on is to have free Wi-Fi coverage throughout the city.

Nowadays, it is possible to access free WiFi almost everywhere in the city. Local governments have been working on creating a series of apps to keep citizens informed and engaged with what’s going on. Barcelona is also using Internet of Things technologies, including smart sensors to reduce energy costs and increase road safety.

With all of this in mind, it’s no wonder that Barcelona hosts some of the most exciting tech events around!

Oslo stands out among smart cities with its focus on creating a sustainable, ecological environment. This city has over 650,000 LED lights that are all connected to processing stations. These lights can intelligently adjust the amount of lighting according to current needs. But that’s not all. Oslo is also using smart number plate detectors to find a data-driven way to improve traffic congestion.

Similar to Oslo, Tokyo focuses much of its smart city policies on being energy smart. The city is working on implementing technology that will help make the city more efficient and environmentally friendly. This includes local energy storage and the use of electric vehicles. The city has a big challenge ahead as it is one of the largest cities in the world.

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Telemanagement and monitoring of city-wide lighting infrastructure Tue, 25 Oct 2022 08:54:58 +0000 Lighting asset management software gives you full visibility into your lighting infrastructure. Automatic fault detection warns of problems for fast response and minimal downtime. The data can be used to make informed decisions and optimize lighting performance. It’s possible to manage lighting-related workflows from an intuitive app and view data from a centralized dashboard.

The system provides opportunities to improve operations and reduce costs with easy-to-generate reports, data visualizations and analytics that show how city lighting is performing.

It can manage workflows and send accurate work requests to field maintenance teams, use data to estimate when fixtures are nearing end-of-life, and schedule proactive maintenance or replacement.

With dedicated user roles and fully encrypted data streams, the software meets the highest security standards. Regular software updates ensure that the software is always up to date.

Accurate work instructions are sent directly from the system to field workers, eliminating the potential for false information and misunderstandings. Any changes made in the field are automatically tracked and incorporated, avoiding redundant data flows.

With an intuitive user interface and strict security standards, smart lighting system management is scalable to suit needs and provides complete visibility and control over the entire lighting system. Individual or group light point control provides flexibility in a single platform with the option to use licensed cellular networks and license-free RF communication architectures.

The information collected from the Lighting asset management system is stored in a local database or in the cloud. City administrators can use this data to further optimize and improve lighting operations.

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Trends that are transforming and shaping smart cities in 2021 Tue, 25 Oct 2022 08:54:13 +0000 As local leaders continue to adapt to the extraordinary changes of the past year, industry players share how they anticipate cities will evolve.

In 2020, smart city developments were greatly influenced by the Covid-19 pandemic, as social distancing required more contactless interactions when accessing public services or making transactions. Public safety was the major issue and accelerated improvements in infrastructure, expansion of partnership networks and digitization of priority environments such as public transport.

For the year 2021, foundational technologies were still a part of this transformation. Meanwhile, the latest trends and technologies such as artificial intelligence, data analytics and 5G have taken center stage in this transformational journey.

Public safety continued to be the number one priority as the pandemic continued. Therefore, contactless and cashless technologies continued to focus on the digitization of public transport ticketing services through the use of bank cards, closed-loop cards, QR codes and NFC wearable technologies.

5G wireless technology was first launched in 2019, but globally it has been slowed by the technology gap in emerging countries and the perception that 4G is still working well.

Collecting and analyzing real-time consumer data is critical to staying competitive and starting the smart city transformation. The demand for data analysis is constantly increasing due to the large amounts of data accumulated by operators and municipalities and the ability to use this analysis to support business decisions and improve the public environment.

Artificial intelligence has been adopted in other business areas, for example for fraud prevention. In recent years, it has been introduced into public services in areas such as traffic control, automatic fare collection and parking automation.

In 2021, cities continued to seek best solutions and practices for smart city transformation, learning from existing implementations where open-loop technologies linked data into a single ecosystem or supported mobile QR and facial recognition technology, providing methods additional payment.

The field of development is vast and does not end with public transportation or merchant contactless payments. The technology can be implemented in other areas such as education, entertainment or the exchange economy to create a contactless, safe and accessible environment.

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Citizens’ perspectives on data privacy in smart cities Tue, 25 Oct 2022 08:53:14 +0000 The great potential of smart cities seems clear: more sustainable, citizen-focused areas where people are increasingly able to thrive. However, the potential threat posed by the power of those who hold the vast amounts of data of these citizens cannot be overlooked.

Protecting information and core infrastructure against any threat and malicious activity requires maintaining adequate security mechanisms in smart cities. When it comes to smart city security, there are a lot of security challenges that pertain to the underlying smart city ecosystem.

In particular, the physical hardware and software that are implemented in smart cities are made by manufacturers without proper cybersecurity testing. Using such insecure products will lead to security vulnerabilities and eventually compromise the entire ecosystem of the city. At times, it will also lead to the shutdown of vital city services that put citizens’ lives at risk.

As cities try to become smart, many of the smart city applications present a number of security and privacy issues and challenges. Thus, the smart city should be able to protect the information involved against unwanted entry, dissemination, destruction, modification and annihilation in accordance with the fundamentals of information security. Confidentiality, integrity and availability of information security fundamentals should be satisfied in every aspect of the smart city.

There is widespread concern among the general public about how companies – and the government – ​​use personal data. 79% of adults say they are at least somewhat concerned about how companies use the data they collect about them, including 36% who say they are very concerned about the issue.

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Public lighting management Tue, 25 Oct 2022 08:52:39 +0000 The scene management software provides visibility and control over the entire street lighting infrastructure with connected light points that can be viewed and controlled through a centralized dashboard. Automatic error notifications allow quick and easy maintenance planning. Light reduction programs help reduce costs, while on-demand light level adjustments help keep citizens safe.

Full visibility of the street lighting infrastructure can be achieved through a centralized web-based dashboard, managing the lighting remotely through a standard web browser.

The smart lighting system allows the creation of customized light groups or the management of each individual light point. Depending on the time of year, the lighting can be adjusted, the light comes on if there is an accident/movement, and zones can be set to vary the light levels in the city, and pedestrian crossings or other pedestrian areas are well lit.

Automatic fault detection alerts immediately when there is an outage or failure so that maintenance teams can be quickly deployed, reducing citizen complaints and optimizing maintenance operations.

Energy consumption and CO₂ emissions can be reduced with lighting programs and activity or presence sensors. The street lighting schedule just needs to be aligned with the time of day or year so that the street lights are only used when needed.

Connected street lights installed in the city can be controlled remotely through an intuitive dashboard that triggers light scenes or programs over a standard mobile or other network. Scene management software provides an overview of the lighting infrastructure, enabling the planning, scheduling and triggering of light scenes remotely.

The software enables the granting of role-based permissions and access rights to individuals so that they can perform clearly defined tasks through the cloud-based dashboard.

Presence sensors can be added to a light pole to detect street activity so light levels can be reduced when people and vehicles are not around late at night. This helps reduce energy consumption when the lights are not needed, but also ensures well-lit streets when people are around.

Open and secure APIs allow scene management software to be integrated with other city and IT management systems or dashboards, allowing lighting to be synchronized with other city services or activities. APIs also allow access to light control to be shared with third parties and approved software developers, who could create additional applications or services to drive innovation in citizen engagement or city operations.

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Optimizing street lighting performance and accurately measuring energy consumption Tue, 25 Oct 2022 08:51:46 +0000 Connected LED lighting, combined with energy optimization software, provides visibility into the energy consumption of the lighting infrastructure. This insight helps identify opportunities for additional energy savings, whether through dimming, scheduling and zoning, or using presence sensors on street lights to adjust lighting levels based on traffic and pedestrian frequency.

Switching to LED will provide energy savings of up to 70%, and by adding smart controls, savings increase to 80%. By using sensors to detect when people or cars are present, lighting can be dimmed when the streets are empty.

They can be metered in real time or data can be collected on energy consumption based on lighting in the city. This data can be used to gain insights to create benchmarks and improvement initiatives to further drive energy efficiency that reduces CO2 emissions.

Continuous energy consumption measurement and data provide new insights that support more informed decisions to help improve operational efficiency and optimize lighting performance.

Continuous monitoring and data collection of energy consumption facilitates the achievement of sustainability goals and provides data to support the city’s sustainability programs and goals.

LED street lighting coupled with smart controls reduces energy consumption by up to 80%. Connected LED lighting enables intelligent light control and enables the collection of data for each point of light, which is then transmitted over a network and analyzed to provide new insights.

By adding presence sensors to connected street lights, energy consumption can be further reduced by using software to automatically dim light levels if no people or vehicles are detected.

Data collected from street lighting can be stored locally or in the cloud, depending on the customer’s preferences or data governance policy. The City owns the data and may share it with third parties or independent software providers.

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Smart lighting Tue, 25 Oct 2022 08:50:37 +0000 The concept of smart cities is relatively new. However, “smart lighting” has been around for a decade or more. Smart lighting allows a “precious balance” of lighting to be applied where it’s needed, when it’s needed, and only in the right amount.

Smart lighting makes the urban environment safe for people at night, while improving the quality of life both at night and during the day, while enabling a more harmonious existence of technology, people, flora and fauna, which cannot be made with traditional technology. Ultimately, a smart lighting infrastructure provides a ubiquitous network across a city that can be the initial backbone for smart-city services and technologies.

Smart lighting consists of dimmable light emitting diode (LED) luminaires with sensor and controller interfaces, a control system and a supporting infrastructure.

The control system is composed of lighting nodes, a communication network with one or more lighting node controllers and a human interface. Smart lighting, when adaptive lighting is implemented, can reduce lighting energy consumption by up to 50% while providing higher quality light for improved safety.

Finally, the use of smart lighting infrastructure as a starting point for smart-city devices and services is introduced. The use of surplus power available in lighting power lines is discussed, as well as the use of the controller network for additional services or data collection and transmission.

Smart lighting is available and offers significant potential benefits to cities. Smart lighting seems to be the logical starting point of any smart city plan.

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