Case study: Tokyo
Tokyo is one of the smartest cities in the world, which has focused on smart city development and projects since 10 years ago, developing and implementing a new comprehensive 4-year plan called “New Tokyo. The […]
Tokyo is one of the smartest cities in the world, which has focused on smart city development and projects since 10 years ago, developing and implementing a new comprehensive 4-year plan called “New Tokyo. The […]
Through the Smart Island project, Madeira recently launched an innovative project for a biometric system that can authorize citizens to do various operations in relations with state institutions. Biometric systems also work at normal payment […]
New York is one of the most urbanized and developed cities in the United States, which has implemented many projects due to the challenges it has faced over time to transform the city into a […]
Innisfil is a city in Canada that encompasses a rich forest, lakes and a diversity of wildlife. In order to develop it, it was necessary to develop a project that takes into account the specifics […]
Poland is one of the countries that has made significant progress in designing a support framework for smart villages in the future CAP strategic plan. The Management Authority has aroused great interest in rural communities […]
The Digital Villages project in the Rhineland-Palatinate region – Germany is testing a progressive approach to the digitization of rural services in three areas: community associations in Eisenberg, Göllheimand and BetzdorfGebhardshain. The project was initiated […]
The Finnish government carried out the “Smart Countryside” study in 2016, which analyzes the challenges facing the countryside and the opportunities brought by digitization. The aim is to explore the possibilities of development and diversification […]
In 2015, France launched a pilot program to promote cooperation between cities by requiring local reciprocity contracts. The aim is to reduce the rural-urban gap by promoting partnerships in areas of common interest with common […]
The GLT activity shows the importance of rural services such as health, social services, education, energy, transport, retail and how they can be improved and made more sustainable through the implementation of information technology (ICT) […]
Smart villages are communities in rural areas that use innovative solutions to improve the lives of residents, simplify administrative actions and develop economic environments based on local strengths, opportunities and the latest technology. The best […]
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