Digital economic recovery

Due to the pandemic, the need for digital development has increased, increasing the need for smart and secure communication systems in the industrial segment. Although sudden changes in user preferences put much more pressure on networks, they are still able to withstand the current evolution.

The future will surely focus on infrastructure, innovation and inclusion: a capable digital infrastructure, resources for innovation through multilateral governance and a clear strategy to ensure unbiased access to the new opportunities created by digitalisation. Public administration must work together to attract the necessary funds in infrastructure and to achieve common goals, without jeopardizing economic incentives.

Many markets anticipate large investments in digital infrastructure to revive national economies, but to unlock such funds, markets must rule out impediments such as access to the radio segment.

The first proposal aims to modernize and expand digital infrastructure, create short-term opportunities, support a range of innovative applications and a global strategy to digitize companies, industries and cities as a whole. Artificial intelligence will become increasingly common in the corporate environment and society. For example, traffic in future networks will be created not only by human communication, but also by connected smart machines that are combined with artificial intelligence to operate based on AI-AI communication.

Smart cities, based on smart infrastructure in areas such as energy, transport, water, waste and buildings, offer an option to address the growing density and needs of citizens. Political actors should strive to make smart cities successful, accelerate social acceptance and support local authorities in starting smart city component projects.

The slow development and implementation of digital technologies can increase inequality between countries. With two-thirds of the world’s workforce expected to rely on 5G connectivity by 2030, bridging the digital skills gap and advancing the agenda to ensure digital inclusion is critical.

Another recommendation is to promote the development of digital skills and accelerate digital inclusion by supporting education programs for all, promoting access to technology, creating a safe digital environment and accelerating the digitization of government services.