Digitalization at local level

Given that public administration is the institution where citizens have the largest base and need the most, authorities have been forced to keep up and use digital systems in fulfilling their mandates, updating internal procedures and relations with the citizens.

The digitization process is vital for the operation of local systems now and in the future, a good example of how local authorities can initiate interoperability processes. In general, the public services that local governments undertake to provide to their communities are similar for municipalities, cities, towns and villages, but there are also basic services such as community services of public utilities: public transport, water and sanitation, public lighting , which contributes the most to the standard of living of the inhabitants.

The difficulties of digitization are not the same for all local communities, but there are some recurring ones if we refer to the needs of institutions and the services that can be digitized. Implementing a solution that has already been working for some time and that residents are used to is more difficult than implementing an innovative solution. The ideal option would be the implementation of a single option at the national level, such an example would be the platform which is successfully used by all citizens, a platform through which they can make payments for public utilities, fees and taxes, the funds reaching timely in the community.

There are specific steps that can be taken very quickly and have immediate results. Registering the town hall at is actually the first step towards digitization and interoperability for town halls. Another important step is the electronic signature.

This kind of digital transformation process starts with a detailed analysis of administration procedures, such as analyzing a business: identification, schematization and remediation, analysis of current solutions, proposal of a new IT structure and then progressing to the final stage, the commissioning stage.

Public authorities do not have the necessary knowledge to go through a digital development process without a private collaborator specialized in this field, being a long-term process.

Funding sources for such a digital transformation of the administration will need an appropriate strategy and allocation of funds. In this sense, there are European funds available and accessible.

In the digitalization process at the local level, administrations can call on the regional development authorities and the European Center for Digital Innovation, which can offer both guidance and financing services. Consistent funding from the EU will provide the best useful solutions in digital transformation.