The benefits of the smart public lighting system

Smart lighting is revolutionizing the way cities and utility providers have witnessed street lights. Smart lighting solutions represent an exciting opportunity for cities or communities to switch from simple LEDs to energy-saving and cost-effective solutions. Because a smart street light is a public lighting fixture that incorporates technology such as cameras, light-sensing photocells, and other sensors to introduce real-time monitoring functionality, it has multiple benefits over simple LED lighting systems.

Some of the main advantages of the Smart Street Light system include:

  • Automatic Control: No human intervention is required to turn these smart street lights on or off, as their light-sensing photocells enable real-time remote monitoring functionality.
  • Cost-Efficiency: Not only do smart street lights save energy, but they are also cost-effective due to lower maintenance costs.
  • Improve energy efficiency: Smart lighting’s IoT connectivity enables it to collect, monitor and send real-time usage data so that civil and city authorities can better use relevant data to improve lighting infrastructure and save energy of lighting.
  • Increase security, public safety and reduce crime rate: well-lit smart cities increase public satisfaction by promising a safe living atmosphere. In addition, street lights with video cameras can help solve crimes, but they can also deter new crimes.
  • Smart Parking Control: Smart lighting sensors help provide parking information about parking spaces in high-traffic areas and vehicles that violate parking regulations, without delegating personnel to the streets.
  • Rapid emergency response: Street lights can be activated with the assistance of emergency responders to help guide emergency workers to specific locations. The lights can also flash in sequence or change color to indicate emergency evacuation routes during natural disasters such as floods and tornadoes.
  • Environmental monitoring: Street lights can also be equipped with sensors that identify toxic chemicals, pollen counts or air pollution levels. As a result, smart street lights have less CO2 emissions and therefore a reduction in light pollution.
  • Warnings and Alerts: Smart street lights equipped with speakers can be used to warn people nearby of storms or other impending dangers.

Along with many advantages for the public and street lighting providers, smart street lights also provide various revenue opportunities, such as digital signage rental poles or other services, being the backbone of a smart city. Therefore, Smart Street lights are the new wave of street lighting.